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EMC2 Scheme
Message from Honourable Minister for Railways, lnformation and Broadcasting, Electronics & Information Technology
Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw
Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw
Manufacturing base of electronics products in the country is grossly inadequate in comparison to demand of such goods. Even in cases where products are manufactured in India, the extent of domestic value addition is low. One of the critical constraints in the way of attracting investments for manufacturing is lack of availability of good and reliable infrastructure for growth of industries and its dispersal across the regions. However, the National Policy on Electronics (NPE) is based on the principal of making India a manufacturing hub for Electronics and thereby, reducing our overall reliance on imports. The EMC 2.0 is a decisive step in materialising the vision on our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s to make India a global hub for Electronic manufacturing. It is envisaged that these EMCs would aid the growth of the ESDM sector, help development of entrepreneurial ecosystem, drive innovation and catalyse the economic growth of the region by attracting investments in the sector.

About EMC 2.0 Scheme

  • Scheme Notification: Modified Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Scheme (EMC 2.0)
  • Scheme Guidelines : EMC 2.0 Guidelines
  • Presentation on Guidelines : Presentation on EMC 2.0 Guidelines
  • Requisite Documents : List of Requisite Documents for Application
  • Frequently Asked Questions : FAQs on EMC 2.0 Scheme
  • Receipt of Applications : Upto 31st March-2024
  • Disbursement of Funds : Upto 31st March-2028
  • Administrative Ministry : Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Message from Honourable Minister of State for Commerce & lndustry and Electronics & Information Technology
Shri Jitin Prasada
Shri Jitin Prasada
The EMC 2.0 is a path breaking initiative for promoting electronic manufacturing in the country. The scheme is a game changer and shall certainly take the sector to the next level. The purpose of the scheme is sound and clear and through this country will create a robust infrastructure base for electronic industry to attract flow of investment in ESDM sector and lead to greater employment opportunities considering the potential thrust that this scheme will put on the economy.
Total Applications Received :    33
Approved Projects : 7 (EMC : 6, CFC : 1)
Total Approved Area :   2,074.08 Acres
Approved Project Cost :   Rs. 2,893.53 Cr.
Approved Financial Assistance:Rs.1,369.50 Cr.
Fund Released: Rs.174.78 Cr.

Key Instructions while applying for EMC 2.0 scheme
1. Applicants should go through EMC 2.0 Guidelines carefully before filling up the information in application.
2. The application shall be duly signed by authorized signatory of the Project Implementation Agency (PIA).
3. PIA is advised to follow the format provided in EMC 2.0 Guidelines.
4. PIA is requested to provide all necessary information and enclose supporting documents along with their application.
5. The application should be submitted to Project Management Agency (PMA) in Electronic form through scheme website, as well as one physical copy.
6. Application is divided into the following major sections:
(a). Applicant Details
(b). Financial Closure / Funding Details
(c). Project Details
7. If any document which is required to be submitted along with the application is available on a government website, the complete link where this document can be viewed may be provided. The responsibility of the correctness/ veracity of contents rest with the PIA.
News / Alerts
1. Cabinet approves EMC 2.0 Scheme.
2. EMC 2.0 scheme notified on 1st April 2020.
3. EMC 2.0 scheme guidelines issued on 1st June 2020.
4. STPI appointed as Project Management Agency     (PMA).
5. Industry Demand Linked Skilling in ESDM     Sector.
Contact Email
1. pmu[dot]emc[at]stpi[dot]in
2. neetesh[dot]gupta[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
3. nirmod[dot]kumar[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in